
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Diaries From Everywhere (Dispatches From Invisible Peripheries- I)

 David Buhril
Let us put our minds together
And see what kind of a future
We can make for our children.
-Tatarika Yotanka (Sitting Bull)
Red Indian Chief

           Keivom called to inform me about the inevitable trip. We were supposed to visit Sinlung Hills (Mizoram), Tipaimukh (Manipur) and the strings of villages downstream where we would finally come to halt in Hmarkhawlien (Barak Valley, Cachar, Assam). Development induced turbulence, in the name of every possible, beautiful disguise, is yet to rock these invisible constituencies  if the progresses for Tipaimukh Dam and other dams criss-crossing our rivers were allow to begin. I cannot stop wondering who will give the green signal!
            Under the 2006 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)  notification, the Union environment ministry asked states to form States EIA Authority (SEIAA) and State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC). SEAC was to srutinize applications for environment clearance and provide technical support to the SEIAA and SEACs. The notification also laid down  that the SEIAA must comprise three members nominated by the state government, including a chairperson and a member secretary. Bureaucrats head more than half the SEIAAs. There is no specification of the number of members of the SEAC. It is a serious concern as we have no "experts" or "professionals" in our own bureaucratic structure. This will only open the floodgates for the decentralization of corruption by risking our vulnerable geological realities and everything that we have been inheriting as a people. The new world has just open a bigger chapter of work to get done at home.  Call that homework. We are responding to that. Slowly but certainly. In the name of development, we will be deprived of our every base for survival as a people. This will be a focus of study for David L. Keivom for his BD thesis and so the purpose of our visit.
            Unstiring and invisible excitement took hold of me after Keivom called. I was always weigh down to earth after visiting these villages, which I have done so many times. They are the most left out peoples by everything big such as democracy, welfare, health, road, education, public distribution system, water, governance,etc. The governments of these areas are fortunate that Che Guevara bike trip did not trek into the deprived hills. But it remains our responsibility to witness them so that we wake up with the need to see for change and ideas. That has always been the compelling reason to take me inside the wounded hills and mountain villages. Had Gandhi and Guevara visited these peripheries, they still would do  what they did religiously, however differently. They will find every reason, every right to activate for the vacuum and gaps left behind by the state.
            The more you see, the need for bigger sacrifice takes hold. The places bulged with unanswered questions.The answers are not blowing in the wind. It will depend much on our activism. Treading that path would draw anyone closer to salvation. That's when I am often reminded by Mother Teresa's saying:"The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray".
            Much against my worries the Keivom's (L. Keivom and David L. Keivom) landed in Lengpui on time.I was a little doubtful as the weather has been beating science for the past five days without any flight landing. Keivom's arrival coincided with the HPC(D) diktat to the YMA's in Sinlung Hills to surrender their official seal and letterhead to protest the central YMA president's off-sided statement. Some subjects are, of course, meant for some subject. There is a morsel of the pie for Caesar and for Him. It is always the evil that sought to have a tongue in everything in the quest of vain power and glory. I am reminded of a man who puts his tongue at the wrong place and ended up convinced that the whites are the best in savouring foul smell. Putting the tongue at the right place makes a man wiser.
            Keivom's coincidental visit draw us closer to the intelligence radar. The coincidence, however, did not hold any water. They must have, otherwise, succeeded in constructing an impressive story to score a good, if not excellent remark from their superiors. For some time now there has been a series of communal plot, which we should never bow to accept. If these plots are staged, Zoram Khawvel may get to see the sort of spring that recently shook the Arab belt and spilled. They have tightened the security ring, and even to the extent of frisking and checking anyone. Any Hmars actually. The target is clear. It smells foul though. The security knot is only making the Christian, peaceful and dry state more thirsty. The underground liquor importers are the ones negotiating the security ache. I was told there are more than one way to keep the state from running dry.One foul mouth is likely to slap everyone. Think of Supandi's wisdom. Make peace to make way for the free flow of the spirits to quench the thirst.
(To be Contd.)

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