
Thursday, February 9, 2012


Ziektu:L.Biekrawn Tuolte
New Delhi
12 Tuolbuol, 2012.

Tipaimukh Constituency hi ka piengna le seiliena ram tleng a ni leiin ka hriet chieng a. 1970 bawr vel inthawk MLA  neiin sorkarah  palai ei  tir \an a.       
Kum 40 nekin a tam tah. Ram siem ding le sukhmasawn dinga hotu ei nei an ni tawl a.   
Ram am annawleh   hnam     a pawimaw lem  ti ka ngaituo rawp hlak. Ram nei lo hnam ropui le lekhathiem tam tak an um a.  Chuleiin ram nekin hnam apawimaw  lem.  India rama ding chun hnam binga ram nei si  lo chu  Parsi hnam  an nih. Miropui le thilthawthei an tam. Europe le America rama ding chun Judahai an ni bawk. Chuleiin, din takin ei ngaituo chun ram hi iengbek a ni nawh. Hnam le mimal a pawimaw a nih. Ram lien tak  nei si a, enkawltu dukdak naw chu  umzie bo a nih.

Vawisuna MLA pakhatin hmasawna kalbi a rem chu ka dem nawh. Kum tam    dai naw nih. Ka manifesto ruokchu suon tam dai ding a nih. 

Sap \awngin election manifesto an tih. Political party/Candidate pakhatin a tling pha/ vote tling an ni pha thaw ding iemani zat an zam hlak. Chu sin thaw ding an zam chu manifesto an ti hlak. MLA   ni  lang ram siem nekin hnam siem hmasak tum ka tih. Kha hma deua ei  MLA popoin ram siem an tum a. Mihriem siem\ha loin ram siem thei an nawh. Ram nekin hnam a  pawimaw lem sih a.

Tipaimukh biela ka mi-le-sa hai hnam ropui le thilthawtheiin  siem ka nuom. Chuleiin, a hnuoia hi ka manifesto, mipui hriet dinga ka tlangzar an nih.

MNF vanglai vawikhat  kan  khuoah(Patpuihmunah) ser bil nei po kuoma inthawk  ‘sawmapakhat’  dawl an tum a. ‘Nangni chan a um  nawh’ an tipek a. Anleh, sawmapahni ’ an ti nawk a. ‘Khawm chu nangni chan an nawh’ an  tipek nawk a.  Iengkhawm an pek nawh. Khaw mipui chungah  ienkhawm an law ngam nawh. Mihriemin ei \i tak hi ralthuom  ni loin hnam/ khuo/ram inthurol  a nih. Kha laia MNF hai kha  vawisuna  helpawl ang bawkin ralthuom an nei. Hi lai hun hin kan khuo chu kohran  pawl pahni(Mission le Independen)  chauh an nih. Khuo inthuruol an ni leiin MNF khawmin an kut an lang ngam nawh.   Tuhin kan khuoah  kohran pawl 6/7 vel a um tah. Hel pawl kutpar  zat tling loin an nuom danin sawisa thei an  tih.

HRF kutpar zat tling loin Senvawn(Senvawn In 300 neka tam an ni awm ie) mipui  an hnawtzamin an sirde san ka ngaituo changin mipui inthuruol naw lei ni ngeiin ka hriet.
Hmar biela chalranghaiin  ei nunghakhai an  sawisak khawm ka ngaituo bawk. Kan naupang lai chu Parbung le Hmarbiel chu mihuoisen tamna niin an hril hlak a. Khawlam an um zo ta lie ? Mihuoisen khawm hnung tieng phatsantu(betray) an um pha an inlang ngam ta nga lem ie. Hnam le khuo an inthuruol naw chun mihuoisen khawm an suok ngai nawh. Ei inthuruol naw chun hmelma khawm zalen takin  ei ramah an che ngam ding an nawm.

 Mipui/Hnam inthuruol naw a huoi an um ngai nawh. Tipaimukh biela Hmarhai dawikawlawkna  san ka ngaituo chienga. Inthuruol nawna lei a nih. Hnam le khuo inthuruol thei loa siemtu chu kohran pawl tam taluo lei a nih.   Hnam hi a dawi reng annawleh a huoi reng an um nawh. Hnam  Inthuruol lo rengreng a huoisen an um ngai nawh.  Hmelma tlawmte hmaah an tlansie zie hlak.

 Ka mipuihai dawizep dinga siemtu chu kohran pawl ni lo maw ? Dawikawlawkna le ramhuoi hi laibung ni  lo maw ? Kohran  Pawl tam taluo leiin ramhuoi thlarau ei  kolut  a ni lem naw maw  ? Kohran pawl hi Setanin a hmang ni lem lo maw ? Ngaituo a sei ngei.

Naupang chite ka  ni lai khan Kuki leh ei buoi a. Ka hrietna popo fawmkhawmin hun ka suirkir a. Nuhmei  le naupang hmelah \itan hmel reng ka ngaituo suok nawh. Asan  ieng dang um thei a tim. Ram mipui inthuruol hun ni lo maw ? Tuhin  Dimasa hmarchadeng  khawp chauin mi hung run hai sien  ei ram ei tlansan el naw ding ?

 Chuleiin, Hnam suksetu le mipui le khuo dawikawlawka siemtu  nia ka hriet  chu    pawl tam taluo a ni leiin ka bielah kohran  pawl pahni neka tam     ka remti nawh.

Kohranhai sulhnung ka sui a, NEIG buoi zo 1930  le 1960 kar hi biel    ropui hun  le ei  hmasawn  hun  a nih. NEIG buoin kohran mipui a sawp  hnung, mimal tlawmte chaua inthawk pawl thar hung ngir Independen a  a nih. (Manya enkawl)   Hi kohran hi mi tlawmte chauin an chelngir a.  

NEIG Missionin  malsawmna tam tak  keisuok sienkhawm kohran   pawl buoi leiin hmabak thaw lo tam deu a  um. Hmar biel, Vangai biel le Kailam chung khawm chanchin  \ha var hmangin an kap eng zo nawh. Independen a ngira inthawk ram thim nasa takin an kap eng bakah hla ropui tam tak ei nei  pha tah. Iengkim din takin ka thlir a.   Mission ( NEIGM) le Independen    kohran hi ei rama dinga  Pathieinin a phun ni in ka hriet.

Pathienin ka biela dingin kohran  pawl tam deu a  a   phun   ka ring thei  nawh.   Biekin pakhata inlawi khawp chauh,  biekin tam deua  inlawi dingin  Van  Pathienin  a kohranhai a vuokdar  ka ring thei   nawh.

Ka biela dingin evangelical hming ka ditsakpui nawh. Chuleiin,  EAC   hming hi thai bo  ka tih.  Atira hming, a pa hming phuok, NEIGM hming  inputtir nawk ka tih.  EAC hming ka dehawn hmasa tak ding a nih.  NEIG Mission hminga mi hmasahaiin  ramthim an ner   hun kha an  ropui hun nih.

Mihriem ei  var pha hming thar nekin a hlui an nganain an dit lem. Entirna chu Bombay aiah Mumbai, Orissa aiah Odisha Bangalore aiah Bangaluru ti  le a dang dang hril ding a tam. Ei mawl hunah chu hming thar  le sap rawng kai   ei dit hlak. Chanchin |ha ei ringa intahwk kum zakhat ei  hmang zo  tah. Hming hmasa nei nawk/kei tho  a hun tah.

 ICI   chungah  khawm  ka kut thlak  ka tih. 1960 hnunga pawl le kohran  hming hrim hrim ka phawi vawng ding a ni leiin ICI  hming khawm  him naw nih. A tira mi hmasahai hming phuok Independen (Manya Enkawl)  hming inputtir nawk ka tih.  Chuleiin, a nu le pa hming phuok Independen hming pe nawk ka tih. Hi zoa ka kut tuor ding chu  1960 hnunga pawl ngir hrimhrim  a zung  pumin phawi hmang vawng ning an  tih.

NEIGM (Mission) nuom naw  chu  Independen ah denglut ka ta; Independen nuom naw  po NEIG Missionah dengkhawm ka  tih. Thlirna tuker dangdanga inthawk le Enremna khawl hmangin ka thlir  hnung khawmin ka biela dingin Pathienin kohran   pawl  pahni neka tam   a phun ka ring thei mama  nawh. Ama kohranhai vek vuokdarna dingin pawl dangdang   Pathienin a phun  ring a um thei nawh.

 Mihriem lungril siem ngil ka  nuom leiin innghirnghona,  mipui dawikawlawka   siemtu le  u-le-nau kara  do-le-ral   siemtu ,1960 hnunga pawl hming hrimhrim phawidawk  chu ka manifesto pawimaw ning a tih.

A chunga ka manifesto hi thawk-le-khatin hmang thei ni kher naw nih. Vawisuna hnam dawikawlawk, sienkhawm zinga  \hangtharhai hnam huoisena siem ka nuom  leiin thaw makmaw ning a tih. 1960 hnunga kohran pawl lut hrimhrim   thaibo vawng ning an tih.

A dawta ka ziekfung tuor ding chu kristien hla bu (Sap hla inlet) hi ni nawk a tih. Mani zakuo/thuom   dehawna Saphai zakuo/thuom   inbela Pathien biekin lut ka remti ta naw ding a nih. Khuo sunga kristien hlabu,Sap hla inlet rengreng chu dawl khawm vawng ding le biekin kil khata siekhawl ning an tih. Kristien hla dit    an um chun hla bu chawi  loin biekinah zawng   ding a nih.

Mipui mitdel, mani nina hmu  lo, an mit sukvar a ngai ding leiin tuol\o hlahai lallukhum inkhumtir ka tih. Mani nina ang charin ka ram mipuihai chu  Pathien hmaa inlang dingin thu insuong ka tih. Mani tuol\o hla   chauh biekinah hmang ka phal ta ding  a nih. Ram tleng  ka siem hmain mihriem lungril tleng hmasa ning a tih.   Hi lei hin mani nina ang chara Pathien hmaa inlang chu hril uor ning a tih.

Khawvel hnam laia depde  chu ei tuolbawmhai (chalranghai an ni awm ie)  an nih. A san ieng dang a um nawh. Hindu ni lo, Hindu sakhuo an phun lei ni lo am a ni ? Kum zabi sawmpariet lai khan Bengali  pachal  pakhatin Hindu sakhuo an zuitir lei ni lo maw ?  Mani ni nawna ni tum hi hnam depdena bul ni lo maw ? Chuleiin, MLA ni lang  ka thu  puong ding chu khuo tinah mani nina ang chara siemtu chawimawi le biek ni tang a tih.  Mani ni nawna ni tum hi hnam lepchie le depdena bul ni lo maw ? Sap ni  si lo Sap hla inlet kum tam hmang inla khawm ei nunphungah (culture)  kawpdet ngai naw nih. Mani ni nawna ni tum hi ei depdena  bul ni lo maw ?  

 Hmarhai depdena bulpui  ka vawikhat thaiin thaihmang ka tih.

Sikpui hi khawtinah hmang nawk dingin  kei tho   ka tih.   Mani khuo sengah Sikpui Ruoi keitho nawk   ning a tih. Sikpui chungchangah ‘Research’ thaw ding lekhathiem ruoi ka tih.  Khuo tin mani remchang ang  peia hmang dingin thu  pek insuong ka tih. Sikpui kan inser hmaa Delhia ka hmathlir (vision)angbawka hmang/inser dingin  khuo tinah thupek insuong ka tih.   Tulai khawvel intlansiekna pakhat chu inkhel a ni  leiin ka mipuihai chu khawvel hmasawna hnawt  phak dingin  siem ka tih. Chuleiin, Inkhelna chitum tumin Sikpui  hmang \an ning a tih. Khaw tinah futbawl zawl siem \hat ngai a tih. Taksa thunun le insawizawi hi hriselna le dam sawtna a ni leiin hi thilah  ka mipuihai chu an hnufuol ka remti nawh. Ram changkang thawthei chu an thei ve ngei ding a nih. Nunghak le naupang khawmin inkhelna chi tumtum an thiemin an hriet ve ngei ding a nih. Mipui inlusu kei thona dinga  ka hmangruo   vilik ding  chu Sikpui   a nih. Sorkara inthawk inkhelna thuom  an dawng theina dingin khuo tinah  Sikpui Sporting Club indin tir ka tih.

Sikpui hming   pathum incherpek ka tih. A hmasa takin ‘Sikpui Inkhel’ ti ning a  tih. Inkhel dan dangdangin inser  ni phawt  a tih. Inkhel zo hapta khat  velah   Ruoi ropui takin hmang ning a tih. Chuchu ‘Sikpui Ruoi’  an ti chu a nih.   A tawp zan biekinah hla ruoiin zo ning a tih. Chu hming ding chun Sikpui Inawi’ ti ning a tih. Biekin sungah Pathien hlahaia zo ning a ta; puo tieng ruokchu sai hlahai le a dangdangin  hmang ni lem a tih.

Sikpui Sporting Club huoihawtna hnuoiah khuotinah  tienlai lam khawm siem\hat (modernisation) ning an  tih.

Tipaikukh a Hmarhai aidentiti inhmang hi ka vawikhat thaiin kei tho ka tih.

Pi le pu thuvar ‘mihriemin an tam an dampui a; ngahaiin an thipui’ti changchawi ning a tih. Chuleiin, ka bielah  khuo khatah In 50 hnuoi um phal ni naw nih. Mi  tlawmte chauh hi hmelma lakah himna a um naw a. Zu le va laka thlai  khawm a him nawh. Kangmei le sietna dangdang laka inthawk mi  tlawm taluo chu an him nawh.

Mihriem siem\hat dingin sikul \ha le damdawiin \ha ei mamaw. Mihriem tlawmte, khuo khatah In 20/30, mihriem zakhat vel chau umna khuoah sikul \ha le damdawiin \ha siem a harsa. Sorkar naver phak dingin rihau nei khawp mihriem umna khuo a ngai. Chuleiin, khuo khata In 50 neka tlawm chu hmun khata karbum ning an tih.

Mani umna zirin mihriem  lungril a chinin a  lien hlak. Khuo chite, mihriem tlawmte chauh a inthawk lungril zau tak nei suokin  pieng ngai naw ni hai. Khuo chite, mihriem tlawmte umna a inthawk lekhathiem tirsuok ngai naw me nih. Ka mipuihai lungril zau dingin  ka dit a;  hmathlir sei tak nei dingin ka ditsakpui bawk.Chuleiin,  khuo chite chauah tukhawm intawm lo dingin hril  uor ning a tih.
Ka biel hming dingin pathum lai ka dit a. Chuhai chu: Parbung, Ruong-le-vai le Sinlung an nih. Khawvel mihriemin ei hnawt le duthusam chu aidentiti ni lo maw ? Tipaimukh hming hi biel mihai leh inlaichinna a nei naw leiin   ‘constituency’ hming tleng dingin \hang khaw nghal ka tih.

Tipaimukh Dam hi  kum 30/40 hnunga  puitling dingin lo ngai ta inla, hi hma hin Vangai  tlangdungah lampui Timaimukh insuntir ngei dingin \hang khaw bawk ka tih. Ka mipuihaiin Dam  puitling an hmasuon thiemna dingin khuo tinah Seminar neipui bawk ka tih.
Nagahaiin an nuom hunhuna Manipur mihai hnuk an rek nawk ta nawna  dingin Meitei MLA popo hrilvar ka tih. Tipaimukh via Vangai tlang lampui  siemfel dingin \hang khaw bawk  ka  tih.


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