
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Confessions Of A Sociaholic Part III

Dear People,

Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead.  I am very much alive, in fact so much so that I didn’t really have the time to write. There wasn’t anything much to write anyway.
But the last few weeks was a hectic time for a sociaholic, be it Freshers Meet, the wedding and so on. So here I am again, your humble sociaholic, reporting to you about the latest social happenings from a sociaholic viewpoint.

When the first two parts of my report were published in DT a few months back, I became, you know, famous (LOL). I was discussed on facebook, got an email form the editor of DT and various others, asking me to reveal my identity. Seriously people, STOP THAT. What’s the fun in life if we know everything? And I say this again: I am not real; I am just a figment of someone’s imagination.

What’s new then? Oh! Joyful Thiek has finally cropped his hair. Thank god for small mercies. If only he could crop his strange accent too. No offence Joyful, we love Promotrics!! (Or is it promotics?)

AND then there was Freshers Meet. Oh what a joyous, glorious day. I had to wade through knee deep s*** water as I was determined to reach before the HSA executives, but I failed. Even HT Sangliana was already there before me. I guess it doesn’t rain for VIPs. However a dedicated sociaholic that I am, I immediately went to clean and dry myself in the bathroom and was already smelling fresh and nice before the programme starts.

As I looked around the hall to check on everything I saw Zacharia running helter-skelter in the hall. “Good for him, at least he will lose some weight”, I murmured. Seriously Zach, you are getting fat. Are you depressed, happy or plain lazy? Or do you eat too much momos and chowmien? (wink wink). Quit playing games with your fat.

Just as I thought nothing spectacular is going to happen, behold, I saw a whole bunch of guys in ngotekher. Am I hallucinating? Is this hell? I got scared. Then I found out that this was the dress code for male members of HSA executives. (I sense Zacharia’s big head in this. Remember what he did to his group at last year Thalai Conference?) The most spectacular of them was President Pusing; with a black shirt, ngotekher necktie and ngotekher puon, he looked so much like kung fu panda.

The strangest of all was William aka Neilal. With a green v-neck shirt, ngotekher and oversize combat boots, it was too much for a frail heart like me. I closed my eyes and prayed to the mother-goddess-of-fashion: why have thou forsaken him? All in all, it was still great and I hope you guys will continue to do so in the future hnam functions.

The hosts Chanchinmawi and Melody, what can I say? You too looked so adorable together. Melody, a nice ‘cowgirl’ headgear. For a moment I was looking for your horse in the parking lot. Chane (FB name), if you had spent even half the time you spent on making that skirt, in rehearsing your lines,  you would have make the world a better place to live in. Grace and Zonun, good job! Please host Sikpuiruoi.

The usual goes on, though it wasn’t as boring as it used to be. The night session was fun. Eli, let’s write a bad romance. ATM Group, what a performance. I seriously doubt whether the original glees can do better than that. Tharmawi, the original bad girl, you’re gaining weight but you still rock. Neilal, I give you an Oscar. Vala, hmmm, make a video of that. I’m sure the Zate brothers’ version was a cheap copy of this version. I heard a rumour that that was the last show of ATM... Ana taluo!!!

Now the singin part: Roselyn, what a comeback. Awmpui/ PC (?)- Sexy looks, nice voice but go easy on Adele. Muonte, you are the only one that can make me dance.

Despite the delay due to rain, I say that this Freshers Social Meet was not at all bad. I would have kicked myself had I went to the Mizo Freshers Meet, which I latter heard from friends, was boring over.

The wedding that happened the following week was nice. Weddings are always nice; we just need more of them.

What else is new? Oh yeah, Thalai Conference is coming up in October. Yahoo! Let’s all pray it doesn’t rain this time and that the stage doesn’t break during a choir performance. So there is no quartet or skit this time? Perhaps we all are still traumatized by last year’s Judas, although I personally feel that theatre, if not shocking is boring.

By the way, what ever happened to the much awaited Music Album? Has it been secretly released somewhere? Is it a classified album? Is it going to be a Christmas Album? Or is it raining in studios too?

Anyway, life goes on (it sure does with so many couples having new babies). So does the life of a sociaholic. I shall be there at the next function, sucking out all the juicy details for you guys, my loyal readers.

P.S. Insincere apologies to all that I may have hurt. This is written with hatred towards none and fact towards all. Take it this way; if sociaholic hasn’t written about you, you aren’t that important. Get a life somewhere. But if I do mention you, hurray, you have arrived.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Nice write-up, as always. You should do this every week.
