Men,s Single Fixture
1st Round
1. Jerry v/s Lalmuonthang
2. David Ramnei v/s Thathang
3. Lalneilien Inbuon v/s lalropui Joute
4. Fimthanglor v/s Jessai Shakum
5. Edward Sungte v/s Boison/ Lalthuoisang Pangamte
6. Sunga kholum v/s Isak
7. Dr. Lalsiemlien v/s Joseph Sanate
8. William R. Darngawn v/s Laltanpuia
9. E Ramngailien v/s Foster Lalziding
10. James Pusing v/s Lalkhawnvar
11. Pu. Lalchunghnung Infimate v/s H. Johnson Hmar
12. Alan Sinate v/s Lalrofel
13. Stephen L. Ruolngul v/s Lalhmunlien
14. Elisa Changsan v/s Pastor Lalditsak
2nd Round
Winner of 1 v/s Winner of 2 = A
Winner of 3 v/s Winner of 4 = B
Winner of 5 v/s Winner of 6 = C
Winner of 7 v/s Winner of 8 = D
Winner of 9 v/s Winner of 10 = E
Winner of 11 v/s Winner of 12 = F
Winner of 13 v/s Winner of 14 = G
Quarter Finals
Winner of A v/s Winner of G = H
Winner of B v/s Winner of E = I
Winner of C v/s Winner of D = J
Advantage to F
Semi Finals
Winner of I v/s Winner of F = K
Winner of H v/s Winner of J= L
Winner of L v/s Winner of K
Pasal Doubles:
Round 1
1. Stephen L Ruolngul & David L Lungtau V/s
Lalchunghnung Infimate & Edward Sungte
2. H Johnson Hmar & Dr. Lalsiemlien Pulamte V/s
Boison & Lalthuoisang Pangamte
3. Zonunmawia & Lalhmunlien V/s James
Pusing & E Ramngailien
4. William R Darngon & Fiemthanglor V/s
Allan Sinate & Jerry
Semi Final
Winner of 1 V/s Winner of 2 = (A)
Winner of 3 V/s Winner of 4 = (B)
Winner of (A) V/s Winner of (B)
Mix Doubles:
1. Esther Lalramhuol & E Ramngailien V/s
William Darngon & Esther Lalsanhim = (A)
2. David L Lungtau & Thlirnawnmawi V/s
Stephen L Ruolngul & Roselyn Lalumpui = (B)
3. Dr. Lalsiemlien & Lalhmangai V/s
Lalchunghnung Infimate & Lalhmingthangi = (C)
Semi Final:
Winner of (A) V/s Winner of (C) = (D)
Advantage to Winner of (B)
(B) V/s (D)
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